Too freaking CUTE. If I ever become a parent, I would so do this to my baby. See more of Who Baby on Flickr and Tumblr.

Too freaking CUTE. If I ever become a parent, I would so do this to my baby. See more of Who Baby on Flickr and Tumblr.
This video resurfaces every few months. Here it is again. Jackie Chan in the film “City Hunter” fighting like the video-game “Street Fighter II” characters. Bloody brilliant.
This is what artist Adrian Covert has to say about this Christopher Hitchens Portrait: Hitchens is depicted making a point, while toasting his Johnny Walker Black & Perrier. He has what appears to be a halo behind his head, but that’s just superstition. His suit is designed using collage from the writings of Albert Einstein, Richard […]
Click to embiggen. Anyone know the source? Found via
This infographic shows 119 controllers over seven decades of gaming. The print is purchasable at
Click for prosperity. By StarMedia