
Art: Christopher Hitchens Poster

This is what artist Adrian Covert has to say about this Christopher Hitchens Portrait: Hitchens is depicted making a point, while toasting his Johnny Walker Black & Perrier. He has what appears to be a halo behind his head, but that’s just superstition. His suit is designed using collage from the writings of Albert Einstein, Richard […]

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Site Update & Stuff

I created this blog in June and have been meaning to update for  while now. In fact, I have been collecting a buttload of images, links, and other interesting goodies, but I just FINALLY had my first post yesterday. Oye. I have quite the backlog so I’m hoping to get more posts up. I’m also […]

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GeekModish Says Hello World!

What is a geek? Our great Wiki overlord defines geek in a myriad of ways. These are the acceptable ones: A person who is interested in technology, especially computing and new media. Geeks are adept with computers, and use the term hacker in a positive way, though not all are hackers themselves. A person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity; one who passionately […]

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